学科师资 Subject Teacher
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性别 :

籍贯 :江苏

出生日期 :1965年

研究领域 :农产品供应链管理,国际农业发展

邮箱地址 :jhan@njau.edu.cn






江苏农业科技与“一带一路”国家合作路径研究,中国工程科技发展战略江苏研究院咨询研究项目(中国工程院院地合作项目),JS2020ZT12, 2020.11-2022.10



4、东非国家农业科技发展研究,农业部“948计划”国际合作类国别研究项目,2015.01- 2017.12, 已结题。

5Study on consumer acceptance in the European Union and in third countries of meat obtained from male pigs not surgically castrated, SANCO/2012/11335, 欧盟项目,中方主持人,2013.01-2014.12






1、Maurice Osewe, Liu Aijun, Jiqin Han*, Sustainable intensification and food security: A panel data assessment of the smallholder maize farmers in Uganda, Global Food Security, 39 (2023) 100724.

2、Xinru Miao, Jiqin Han*, Shaopeng Wang, Bing Han, Impacts of family care for children and the elderly on women’s employment: evidence from rural China. Frontiers in Psychology, 14,2023.

3、Fikiru Temesgen Gelata, Han Jiqin*, Samerawit Chaka Gemeda and Birhan Wubishet Asefa, Application of GIS using NDVI and LST estimation to measure climate variability-induced drought risk assessment in Ethiopia, Journal of Water & Climate Change, Vol 14 No 7, 2479, doi: 10.2166/wcc.2023.154.

4、Yuwen Qi, Jiqin Han*, Nicola M. Shadbold and Qing Zhang, Can the use of digital technology improve the cow milk productivity in large dairy herds? Evidence from China's Shandong Province”[J]. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2022-12-02.

5、Qasir Abbas, Jiqin Han, Khuda Bakhsh, Raza Ullah, Rakhshanda Kousar, Adnan Adeel, Asma Akhtar, Adaptation to climate change risks among dairy farmers in Punjab, Pakistan[J],Land Use Policy, 2022(119):106184.

6、Maurice Osewe, Aijun Liu, Jiqin Han, Variety traits and sustainable food security: The role of improved cassava varieties in Kenya[J], Chemical Engineering Transactions Vol. 89, 2021, 355-360.

7Girma, Jirata, Jiqin Han*Effects of deposit mobilization on the technical efficiency of rural saving and credit cooperatives: evidence from Ethiopia[J], Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Ann Public Coop Econ. 2020;1-27.

8Castro N. Gichuki, Jiqin Han*, T. NJAGIThe Impact of Household Wealth on Adoption and Compliance to GLOBAL GAP Production Standards: Evidence from Smallholder farmers in Kenya[J]. Agriculture 2020, 10, 50; doi:10.3390/agriculture10020050.

9Abbas, Q.; Han, J*.; Adeel, A.; Ullah, R. Dairy Production under Climatic Risks: Perception, Perceived Impacts and Adaptations in Punjab, Pakistan[J]. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 4036.

10Gichuki, C. N.; HAN, Jiqin*; Qiang, L., Assessing Compliance of Conservation Sustainable Production Standards and Profit Efficiency In Small-Sized Farms in Kenya[J], Applied Ecology And Environmental Research, 17(5)10463-10474 @2019.

11Girma, Jirata, Jiqin Han*, Effect of Deposit Mobilization on the Financial Sustainability of Rural Saving and Credit Cooperatives: Evidence from Ethiopia[J]., Sustainability, 2018(10):1-23.

12Sonthaya SampaothongZhou YinghengHan Jiqin*Pruetthichat Punyawattoe, Thai Rice Competitiveness Development in Anticipating Export Market to Chinese[J]The International Journal Of Business & Management(ISSN 23218916), 2016, Vol. 4, Issue 5, 319-324.

13M. Font-i-Furnols, M.D. Aaslyng, G.B.C. Backus, J. Han, T.G. Kuznetsova,e N. Panella-Riera, A.A. Semenova,Y. Zhang, M.A. Oliver, Russian and Chinese consumers' acceptability of boar meat patties depending on their sensitivity to androstenone and skatole[J]Meat Science, Volume 121, November 2016, 96-103.

14Han, J., H. Lu, J.Trienekens and S,W.F. (Onno) Omta, 2013, The impact of supply chain integration on the firm performance of pork processors in China[J], Chinese Management Studies, Vol.7Issue 2, 230-252.

15Han, J., J.Trienekens and S,W.F. (Onno) Omta, 2011. Relationship and quality management in the Chinese pork supply chains[J]. International Journal of Production Economics 134, 312-321.

16Han, J., Trienkens, J. and Omta, S.W.F.(Onno), Integrated information and logistics management, quality management and firm performance of pork processing industry in China[J],British Food Journal,2009(01): 9-25.

17、Han, J., Omta, S.W.F.(Onno) and Trienekens, J., The Joint Impact of Supply Chain Integration and Quality Management Practices on Firm Performance of Pork Processing Industry in China[J], The International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 2007 (2):67-98.

18、Jiqin Han,《Supply chain integration, quality management and firm performance in the pork processing industry in China》,荷兰瓦赫宁根学术出版社(Wageningen Academic Publisher),瓦赫宁根,2009年6月。




3、 韩纪琴,余雨奇,政策补贴、研发投入与创新绩效—基于新能源汽车产业视角[J],工业技术经济. 2021,40(08), 40-4.

4、曾珍,韩纪琴,城镇化影响农业碳排放了吗—基于安徽省地级市面板数据的PVAR分析[J].中国农业大学学报(社会版).2021,26(3): 176-187.

5、以国内大循环为主体的国内国际双循环战略的理论探索[J], 周曙东、韩纪琴、葛继红、盛明伟, 金沙官方登录入口9001学报(社会科学版):2021(3):22-29.

6、韩纪琴,周靖,扩大中间品进口规模对生态环境与产业链安全影响研究——基于制造业异质性中间品进口的污染减排效应分析[J], 价格理论与实践, 2020年第7期:154-157+180.











论文The Joint Impact of Supply Chain Integration and Quality Management Practices on Firm Performance of Pork Processing Industry in China2007获得食品与农业企业管理协会IFAMA农业理论在涉农企业中的应用优秀论文奖